Tresillian Village News Bulletin Board

Tresillian Village News 2024

Check Out Special Offers on Our Local Business Page

1st September, 2024 Tresillian Olympics – Playing Field – Starts 12pm

FREE Admission – All Ages Welcome!

Fun activities such as:
Obstacle Race
All Organised by the Playing Field Committee.

Children are invited to ‘Paint a real Bird Box’. All painted boxes will be handed to an organisation that will install the bird boxes at appropriate locations.
Organised by St Clement Parish Council. The council’s Chairman, Hugh James will be in charge of the painting.

Tresillian Allotments Association – Plots are Available – September 2024

Grow your own Veg, Fruit and Flowers on this south facing site with beautiful views across the Tresillian Valley. Super friendly allotmenteers are always more than willing to give advice to new or novice gardeners.

The Tresillian Allotment Association site consists of 31 plots of varying sizes.

A full size plot generally measures 33ft x 25ft (10m x 7.5m), the cost for which per annum is £40 and includes use of water supply and membership of the National Allotment Society.

Some half plots are also available. Shared tenancy for a plot is allowed, but all parties must sign the tenancy agreement.

Dedicated allotment holder parking is available next to the site.

Anyone who is interested in taking tenancy of an allotment, or would like further details please contact:

Lorraine Sutton Tel: 01872 520 609 or Lesley Jones Tel: 01872 520 568.

Tresillian Village Hall – Grant Applications – September 2024

Tresillian Village Hall. Photo © Keith LittlejohnsThe village hall has applied for grants to upgrade some of its ageing services and infrastructure to bring it up to current standards. Although the hall is relatively modern, having been built in the 1970s, there are some areas, however, that inevitably have to be updated to meet current statutory requirements. The application to replace windows and curtains would seem to have been successful, but heating is a big issue that will likely require further attempts at finding funding in future. The now old heating system uses oil as a fuel, which is getting very expensive and will not be getting any cheaper, and as it uses a fossil fuel it will need replacing with an alternative. Solar power could not be installed on the roof due to structural deficiency to carry the weight.

Current Planning Applications Status as of September 2024 – Tresillian

PA24/06036 | Works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order for 2 x Holly. Restormel, A390 Tresillian. Awaiting decision.

PA24/03437 | Proposed demolition of existing dry and wet valet wing and construction of new wing comprising of service bays, dry valet bays and wash bay. Truro Audi A390 Tresillian. Awaiting decision.

To search for any Planning Application go to Cornwall Council Online Planning Register and type in the address or location or known planning application reference beginning with PA…..

4th July, 2024 General Election

4th July, 2024 General Election. Jayne Kirkham has been duly elected as the new Labour and Co-operative Party MP for Truro and Falmouth. She is also the Labour group leader on Cornwall Council and represents Falmouth Penwerris ward.

Her biog reads as follows. “I live and work in the constituency having moved here 18 years ago when I married a naval pilot. Before that, I worked for a number of years as a solicitor representing working people who had accidents at work or employment claims.”

“As a single parent in Cornwall I put my legal skills to use at Cornwall Citizens Advice and then worked as a teaching assistant at Falmouth Secondary School for seven years while my son was in school.”

“Successes include proposing & pushing through Cornwall Council’s Climate Emergency declaration, forcing a budget amendment to provide £3.5 million for mental healthcare for our young people in schools and shaping and campaigning on housing policy, which is such a vital issue in Cornwall.”

Tregothnan Charity Open Garden, Weekend 20th-21st April 2024 10am-5pm.

Tregothnan will open its usually private gates to the largest garden in Cornwall. Open for one weekend on the 20th and 21st April 2024, visitors can experience Tregothnan’s unequalled diversity of trees, historic, botanical and rare collections, sweeping vistas and peaceful secluded groves on the banks of the beautiful river Fal. Tickets are available online at the Tregothnan website.

Get lost in ancient Camellias, mountainous Magnolias and the biggest Rhododendrons in the world with 40 foot crescendos of full flower. The sheer scale of the garden, over 100 acres, means that there will be plenty of peace.

Children aged 16 and under go free, encouraging families to enjoy the adventure of Cornwall’s finest garden. Open from 10am – 5pm, with the last entry to the garden at 4pm. Dogs on leads welcome.

All the proceeds go to charity.

‘Buns & Bingo” Saturday 23rd March 2024 – Tresillian Chapel 2pm-4pm.

Entry £2. Prizes, refreshments! In aid of Tresillian Improvement Group.

Public Notice – Tresillian Village Hall – AGM Thursday 22nd February 2024

The Tresillian Village Hall Committee will be holding their Annual General Meeting at 7pm on Thursday 22nd February. Members of the public are invited to attend to hear the Committee present their annual report containing information about performance and strategy. Members of the public also have the opportunity to ask questions of the Committee on matters relating to the village hall.

The village hall address is Fairfax Road, Tresillian, Truro TR2 4AZ.

Tresillian’s Missing Milestone – An Ongoing Story

Update January 2024

As can be seen in the village a replacement for Tresillian’s missing milestone has recently been installed on the broader grass verge outside Truro Audi adjacent where there is a small lay by. More information will be published in the near future covering the long process behind research through to installation.

Original Article From 2019

As a person fascinated by local history I could not resist picking up from Chris Clarke’s excellent article published in the spring 2017 edition of TRAM Magazine regarding Tresillian’s missing milestone. His article stimulated me into taking up the challenge of conducting further research myself.

Using additional information kindly supplied to me by village resident Lewis Mitchell, which he found on an old 1960 edition Ordnance Survey map, a distinct reference point has now been established. The Tresillian milestone’s position is marked on the OS map by the usual very small black dot accompanied by the letters MS, albeit slightly masked by a black circular graphic. Using my own copy of the same map, OS SW 84 Truro 1:25,000, I was also able to confirm the exact location.

By cross referencing this data with Cornwall Council’s excellent online Interactive Map website I was able to double check the exact position where the milestone once stood, or at least close enough given the disruption created by the 1960s A390 road widening/levelling scheme and adjacent change of land-use. Both the 1960 OS map and CC’s Interactive Map show the location as being on the south side of the A390 where the current Audi dealership is situated.

Thanks to information also gleaned from the CC Interactive Map a detailed Cornwall & Scilly Historic Environment Record (HER) reference reads as follows:

HER Number:

TRESILLIAN – Post Medieval milestone

The site of a milestone on the SE side of the A39 in Tresillian – BODMIN 21¼ TRURO 3.

Grid Reference:
SW 8635 4604

St Clement, Carrick, Cornwall

Protected Status: None recorded
Other Statuses/Codes: none recorded

Monument Types
Milestone (Post Medieval – 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Full description
A milestone is recored on the SE side of the A39 in Tresillian, on both the 1st Edition 1:2500 OS map, annotated TRURO 3 BODMIN 20, and on the 2nd Edition 1:2500 OS map c1907 annotated BODMIN 21¼ TRURO 3. The milestone is not recorded on the modern OS Mastermap 2010, suggesting it has been lost, possibly due to road alignment alterations in the C20.

Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events: none recorded
Related records: none recorded

So, a milestone clearly did exist inside the village at a point along its main highway outside the current Audi dealership. Interestingly, the CC Interactive map has the A390 labeled as A39 at that point (note, must make CC aware of the error).
Photo: © Keith Littlejohns

I have recently placed a request with our local parish council asking if, in the light of information now currently available, the possibility of the missing milestone being reinstated could be raised at a parish council meeting and that it could be pursued using the offices of the parish council.

Let’s hope that Tresillian’s missing milestone can either be found languishing in a council yard somewhere and reinstated, or that a replica can be produced using information recorded by C&S’s HER database so that our village’s milestone is no longer the only one missing in the chain of 12 historical milestones that run from Truro to Braddon.

If anyone has any more information or knowledge they think would be helpful or interesting regarding the missing milestone then please do contact me using the contact form on this site and I will publish it online as part of this continuing fascinating story. If you wish to receive emailed alerts as soon newsworthy items about village life are published online you can subscribe to the website for free using the box provided at the bottom right of most pages on the site.

Incidentally, most milestones you’ll see date from the 1700s or later, when new Turnpike roads were legally required to have milestone markers. It meant passengers and goods carried on the stagecoaches could be charged standardised rates for the distance they travelled. You’ll also see plenty of milestones along canals, also used to calculate how much people would be charged for moving their goods by barge.

Further news about the missing milestone will be added as soon as it becomes available.

Keith Littlejohns

Tresillian Wildlife Articles (Steady on! Not that kind of wild life) – Various Contributors – Check out latest items added by following the Wildlife & Natural History Page link below

Photo: © Keith Littlejohns

Wildlife articles can be accessed by visiting the Wildlife & Natural History Page and selecting the relevant year link at the bottom of the page. The Tresillian website welcomes any stories or photos of your wildlife/Natural History observations in Tresillian and its close environs. Hedgehog, bird or any other wild animal sighting or naturalised flowers or plants of interest that catch your attention. We would love to hear from you. Just get in contact via our Contact page and we will be back in touch with you about your story/photos.

Tresillian Photographic Archive Project – Keith Littlejohns

Wheel Inn c1910

I am proposing setting up an organised collection of photographic images for our village that, hopefully, will remain as a permanent unified digital archive of life in Tresillian through the decades for future generations to have available.

Building this archive relies heavily on source material being forthcoming. To that end I am asking residents of Tresillian (or known past residents that have moved away but may have some suitable images) to make contact with me regarding the loan of images so that I can make professional scans and return the original prints or negatives to the owner.

This could turn out to be a quite substantial task and as a result I am expecting the building of the archive to be split into phases. For the initial phase I will be concentrating solely on gathering together a collection of older images from very early days up to and including 1979.

If you think you may have some suitable photographs I can be contacted via the village website by emailing me using this website’s Contact page. There is no need to go into great detail at first as I will make contact to talk about any images you consider may be of interest. I’m really only looking to archive images that have recorded village life and how it has evolved through time. Eventually, as time allows, I will add more modern images from 1980 onwards to take the story forward.

If possible, it would be very useful if you have information such as dates (roughly will do), names of people or locations or any other details you think may be of interest. If you don’t yet use email, please do ask a friend or neighbour to make contact on your behalf as old images are of particular interest for this first phase.

Cllr Keith Littlejohns

A Sample of Website Testimonials Received

What an amazing memory of the afternoon [Cream Tea for The Queen 2016]. Well done to Keith for producing it. Very well put together and excellent music choice.
Aileen Bratton

Thank you, Keith.  Looks very good [swans] on the website along with all the other information you have published – well done!
Phillip Buddell

Just seen this new site. Lovely photos of Tresillian and interesting facts. Wish you well with it. Hope you get lots of comments and participation
Tina Earley

Website is great – thank you.  Just a quick note to say ‘Thank You’ for getting a Tresillian website up and running well.”
Desiree Tillgren

Thank you for your beautiful pictures and website design for the village.
Ann McCormick

Great to meet you, and much thanks for including church activities on the village website, it really is the way forward!
Billa Jeans

After getting the leaflet delivered by ‘Keith’ this week and having a quick chat in the garden at time of delivery. I thought I would check the website out. Absolutely fantastic, beautiful photo’s and puts the village in the here and now. Well done to you and I really hope the site goes from strength to strength. I am going to give the details to some family members to check it out. Well done and thank you so much for all the effort you have put into it, to make it so professional and enjoyable.
Geraldine Rawbone

A friend of ours in Sussex, who used to live in the village, is thrilled with the site as it will keep her up to date on what is happening here.
Lesley Dobel

Fantastic website, well done to all who was involved.
Kirsten Lean

What a wonderful community website for our village with lots of information and history. Well done and very impressed. Keep up the good work.
Karl Russell, Treglyn, Tresillian

I’ve had a look round – its very easy to use!
Helen Nicholson

I enjoyed looking at the site and thank you for the lovely photo of the Tresillian road sign for which I designed the emblem of the Roundhead and Cavalier at the invitation of the Highways dept. of course a reference to the civil war battle nearby. I wonder if there are any rusting cannon balls in the river.”
Janet Bailey.

………. There are no further news bulletin items at present. Please visit again on a regular basis to check for updates ……….