Wildlife and Natural History

Welcome to the Tresillian Wildlife and Natural History pages

Wildlife is a vitally important component of Earth’s natural ecosystems that provide a balanced environment conducive to life on our planet.

All of the ecology required to sustain human and other life forms is still available to us, but it is diminishing rapidly because of pollution and inappropriate land and sea development. Over the last 50 years, more than 56% of wild animal species have declined in the UK and a similar amount of our indigenous plant species have suffered the same fate, sometimes to the point of extinction. Wildlife is undoubtably under threat!

It is now widely recognised that a balance has to be achieved between the necessity to feed our ever increasing population whilst making sure that the vital ecological support chain for producing food is properly environmentally sustainable now and into the future, and with more land required for housing it is vital as never before that pockets of relatively unused, unmanaged land are not considered as primary targets for new construction. These pockets often provide vital corridors, important refuges and safe habitats for wildlife that desperately needs our strongest protection. Once these extremely valuable wildlife havens are gone, they are gone forever and so is the wildlife that survives by a thread within their confines!

Make your own contribution to the Wildlife/Natural History pages on the Tresillian Village Website

The Tresillian website welcomes any stories or photos of wildlife/natural history in Tresillian and its close environs and would love to hear from you. Just get in contact via the Contact page and we will be back in touch with you about your story/photos.

Links to current and past year’s Wildlife content on the Tresillian Village Website

Wildlife Articles 2024
Wildlife Articles 2023
Wildlife Articles 2022
Wildlife Articles 2021
Wildlife Articles 2020
Wildlife Articles 2019
Wildlife Articles 2018

Wildlife Links for Cornwall

Cornwall Wildlife Trust Also see CWT’s annual, month long event in June ’30 Days Wild’ encouraging everyone interested in wildlife to take part.

RSPB Nature Reserves at Hayle Estuary and Marazion Marsh

Other Natural History/Wildlife/Environment websites of interest

Bat Conservation Trust Working to secure the future of bats in our ever changing world.

British Hedgehog Preservation Society The BHPS offers help and advice to those with sick, injured or orphaned hedgehogs and maintains a list of rehabilitators in the UK.

British Lichen Society The society aims to promote and advance the teaching and study of lichens; to encourage and actively support the conservation of lichens and their habitats; to raise public awareness of the beauty of lichens and of their importance as indicators of the health of our environment.

British Trust For Ornithology The BTO is an organisation which is primarily concerned with the scientific study of birds.

Buglife Buglife is the only organisation in Europe devoted to the conservation of all invertebrates.

Bumblebee Conservation Trust The core aim of the Trust is to aid the conservation of bumblebees.

Butterfly Conservation Butterfly Conservation currently has over 30 Nature Reserves all over the United Kingdom. People are encouraged to notify them about butterfly sightings, They have an online facility and a iRecord Butterfly app.

Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland Find Wild Flowers ‘Flora Search’ – This online tool is intended to help you identify wildflowers by answering a series of questions.

Fauna & Flora International (FFI) – UK Fauna & Flora International (FFI) has championed UK wildlife since its early days, and spearheaded a variety of conservation initiatives in the 1970s and 80s for then-neglected UK species such as bats, otters, hedgehogs, toads and snakes. They have also been instrumental in establishing UK conservation bodies including the Bat Conservation Trust and Froglife.

Download ‘State of Nature Report 2016’ This report pools data and expertise from more than 50 nature conservation and research organisations to give a cutting edge overview of the state of nature in the UK and in its seas, Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories.

Forestry Commission The Forestry Commission is the UK government department responsible for protecting, expanding and promoting the sustainable management of woodlands. It works with two agencies: Forest England that cares for more land and trees than any other organisation in England, and Forest Research, which is Great Britain’s principal organisation for forestry and tree related research and is internationally renowned for the provision of evidence and scientific services in support of sustainable forestry.

Froglife Froglife is a national wildlife conservation charity concerned with the conservation of the UK’s amphibian and reptile species and their associated habitats.

International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species Established in 1964, the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species has evolved to become the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global extinction risk status of animal, fungus and plant species.

iRecord Record your wildlife sightings online and keep track of your records. The goal of iRecord is to make it easier for wildlife sightings to be collated, checked by experts and made available to support research and decision-making at local and national levels. Records can also be added to iRecord via the iRecord app for mobile devices, Apple ios and Android.

Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) JNCC is the public body that advises the UK Government and devolved administrations on UK-wide and international nature conservation. They publish an interesting online magazine.

Marine Conservation Society The Marine Conservation Society is the UK’s leading marine charity. They work to ensure our seas are healthy, pollution free and protected.

Natural England Is the government’s adviser for the natural environment in England. Its remit is to help to protect and restore the natural world. Natural England is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.

Plantlife A British conservation charity working nationally and internationally to save threatened wild flowers, plants and fungi. They own nearly 4,500 acres of nature reserve across England, Scotland and Wales. HRH The Prince of Wales is their Patron.

Plants For A Future A small Cornish based environmental group run entirely by volunteers. They maintain a database containing detailed information on the edible, medicinal and many other uses of several thousand, mainly perennial, plants that can be grown in temperate regions.

RSPB UK charity working to secure a healthy environment for birds and wildlife.

Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust WWT was founded by Sir Peter Scott as a conservation charity to protect wetlands for wildlife and people. They currently manage 10 wetland reserves in the UK.

UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) An independent, not-for-profit research institute. Some 500 scientists provide the data and insights to help understand our environment, how it sustains life, and the human impact on it – so that together, people and nature can prosper.

Wildlife Trusts The Wildlife Trusts is a UK grassroots movement of people from a wide range of backgrounds and all walks of life, who believe that we need nature and nature needs us. Each Wildlife Trust is an independent charity formed by people getting together to make a positive difference to wildlife and future generations, starting where they live.

Woodland Trust The Woodland Trust has created havens for wildlife by planting millions of trees every year in the UK. It campaigns for new laws to protect ancient woodland and restores damaged ancient woods so they can breathe again.

Please help us maintain the accuracy of these links by reporting any problems via the Contact form on this website. Thank you.